Accessing API with CLI


This guide will show you how to access Webuzo Admin API using a CLI command from the Webuzo server itself. This API is available for all the pages in Webuzo. You just need to adjust the act and the appropriate POST parameters need to be passed via CLI args.


Lets take an example of List Users page. The below command will list all the users

webuzo --api act=users

Now lets pass some parameters and try to get the users owned by a reseller named "abc"

webuzo --api act=users --owner=abc

In this way you can access any page in Webuzo admin panel e.g. add user, add plan, list domain, install an app, etc using the act from the URL and passing the required POST parameters without the need of root password since you are already executing the command as root.
You can find the POST parameters from the Console in your browser when you submit the page in your browser.

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